The Breaking Point Apparatus is used to determine the breaking point of solid and semisolid bitumen. The Fraass Breaking Point is the temperature at which bitumen first becomes brittle, as indicated by the appearance of cracks when a thinfilm of the bitumen on a metal plaque is cooled and flexed in accordance with specified conditions. The apparatus consists of stainless steel plaque, cooling and bending apparatus, thermometer IP 42°C (-38°C/+30°C), plate and stand.
ASTM D 95,D244
Used to determine the water in petroleum products or bituminous materials by distilling them with volatile solvent. The equipment comprises electric heater with thermoregulator, glass still, support stand, condenser, receiving trap, clamp.
The apparatus consists of a heavy gauge shield, lagged with asbestos
cover in two parts and wire gauge. The shield is supported on a platform
with chimney arranged for fitting to stand. Complete with one distillation
flask of 500 ml and one 100 ml crow receiver but without thermometer.
Electric hot plate heated with energy regulator. Thermometer ASTM 8°c
- 2 to +400°c SUBD. 1°c.